
This is the one-stop shop for all your information on the boys' progress this August as they take the Felsted rugby brand to the southern hemisphere for the first time.

Thursday 25 August 2011

Coming Home

So we're sitting in McDonalds having breakfast waiting for our flight. Again it seems there will be a delay as they are still loading the catering supplies for the flight. The topic of debate is varying between when you should sleep to avoid jet-lag (some very strange suggestions coming out) and how many times the boys can get up to Premium Economy to make sure Major Winter is OK having upgraded himself for the final flight.

Hong Kong U18 game

After the all round improvement shown in both St Augustine games we headed into the final game of the tour in a confident mood. The only area we weren't sure about was the effect the temperature and humidity would have on the boys. As it transpired these factors didn't come into play as the first 15 minutes were characterised by sloppy play from both teams. The starting XV failed to impose themselves despite being much stronger in the forwards. During the next quarter of an hour the boys started to put some phases together and looked likely to make the first breakthrough. However following an innocuous challenge, Charlie Kingham was taken to hospital with a knee injury that turned out to be a torn lateral ligament. Unfortunately this means he will be out until December.

Understandably this lead to the boys losing some of their focus. The second half was an opportunity to give the rest of the boys a run out and the changes meant it was difficult to get any real continuity going. Giving way two silly tries didn't help matters and although we scored one try following Miles Singleton's interception we were unable to get the second score. A final score of 12-7 to Hong Kong was a disappointing way to finish the playing part of the tour.

We had a chance to say thank you to our hosts and supporters who have been fantastic throughout the tour. We were also able to give out some awards to boys that have been particularly impressive

Most Improved Players - Jack Stevens and Hugo Chaplin
Best Tourist - Miles Singleton
Player of the Tour - Will Brown

Barney Savill and Rhys Hartley were also presented with a rugby ball each, signed by the entire touring party as a momento of their time at Felsted. Despite th results not going our way Steve, Chevs and myself have seen enough improvement to suggest this season could be very successful. The real test will come next weekend when the boys will be playing in the Brentwood pre-season tournament.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Hong Kong

Well, we've eventually arrived arrived here in Hong Kong on the final leg of our tour after the flight was delayed in Sydney.  We managed to keep ourselves amused, not least through the regular calling of 'Dead Ants'

Dead Ants on tour

 and following the very western feel to Sydney the culture here has surprised a number of the boys. On top of that they have had to get used to the climate here; most of them have experienced similar levels of heat at some point (32 degrees when we landed at 6.30pm!) but the humidity - regularly 90% or more - is something else.

We trained yesterday morning at the Hong Kong Football Club and within ten minutes the boys were struggling for breath and needed a drink. This was one of the main reasons for the session; to give the boys a taste of what it would be like playing in Hong Kong. It also gave us a chance to see which boys were able to maintain their concentration and focus in trying conditions. The selection for today's game has always been billed as a 1st XV for the first half and will offer some of the squad a final chance to put themselves in a position to challenge for a 1st XV spot in the Brentwood tournament next weekend and the Cooper's game following that.

Following the training session we were able to use the club's facilities to relax for the rest of the day. This included their fantastic outdoor swimming pool which had the dual benefits for the boys of being able to cool down as well as having the opportunity to meet new people. However there seemed to be a lack of confidence in actually approaching the two girls in bikinis and it was left to an old hand - Tom Hardy to make some introductions. Unfortunately his efforts came to nothing as Will Malins and Taylor Sexton ran away as soon a the photo had been taken!

Following lunch the boys took the opportunity to explore Hong Kong and most headed straight for the markets to try out their haggling skills. Some of them are obviously more adept at this particular skill, although everyone seems to have saved some of their money for these few days. 'Beats' headphones seem to be the purchase of choice amongst the boys and I am reliably told that getting a pair for under £50 is an incredible deal.

Sunday 21 August 2011

Are there any rules in AFL?

As part of our final full day in Sydney, we arranged for the boys to travel on the train (more public transport!) to the ANZ stadium - formerly the Olympic Stadium where Jonny Wilkinson kicked England to World Cup glory in 2003 - to watch the AFL (Aussie Rules football) game between Sydney Swans and St Kilda Saints.

Obviously being based in Sydney we should have been supporting the Swans and most of the boys were loyal in that rspect, with many of them buying hats, scarves and tops in the Swans' colours.  There were a couple of dissenters - Tom Kingham had looked at the recent league form and stated that St Kilda would win as they were placed higher in the table and Cy Weaver had faith in St Kilda repeating last year's championship winning form.  Unfortunately for both boys Sydney Swans completely outplayed St Kilda and came back from a half-time deficit to win by a clear 15 points.

The following clips might give you some idea of the game, although knowledge of the rules seems to be of secondary importance.  The important thing is that the boys enjoyed themselves and were able to relax after last night's exertions.

GB Aussie Rules team!!
Sydney Swans v St. Kilda re-start
Swans score & crowd goes wild

Saturday 20 August 2011

Match day v St. Augustine

So, we arrived at game day for what many perceived to be the hardest game of the tour.  The reactions of the Cranbrook boys when we said we were playing St Augustines did not fill us with confidence.  However we knew that we had not done ourselves justice in the Cranbrook games and the scores did not reflect the ability within the squad.  Steve, Chevs and myself discussed the possibility of going down to one fixture due to some injury concerns.  However we all felt that we wanted every boy to play and to give them the opportunity to wipe away the memories of the Cranbrook game - particularly the 1st XV.

From the outset of the 2nd XV game, it was obvious that the boys had taken the field with the proper attitude.  Tackles were made with real force and conviction, forcing the St Augustines players into mistakes.  A very strong drive in the first ten minutes saw the boys score a well deserved try.  Unfortunately there were mistakes and the boys were again shown how costly it can be to miss first-time tackles, particularly in the back line.  St Augustine's were extremely clinical in finishing their opportunities and produced some wonderful running rugby, particularly from their back 3 to end up as 44-7 winners.  Despite conceding several scores, the Felsted boys did not waver and their commitment continued throughout the game.

In the 1st XV fixture we were up against a very strong, motivated St Augustine 2nd XV as their 1st team were being rested in preparation for next week's New South Wales state final.  The boys produced their best performance of the tour so far both in terms of the quality of rugby played and the mental approach to the game.  The squad's biggest failing throughout the tour to date had been the number of 1st time tackles missed which consistently gave our opposition the advantage.  However in this game the boys turned it around and although Chevs was still not happy with the 11 missed tackles (5 of which lead directly to tries) the fact that the boys made 55 successful 1-on-1 tackles suggests they are moving in the right direction.  St Augustine's two late tries put a gloss on the final result (12-31) that did not reflect the game at all.  In fact after Taylor's try made the score 12-19, the momentum was on Felsted's side and many on the sideline believed that our boys would finish as the stronger team.

The reaction of the parents on tour as well as the opposition coaches also indicated an overall improvement in the play, as should be shown in the following clips from the games

Strong defence from 2nd XV

Attacking scrum
English weather
Browny's hand off
Taylor's try
Line out

This was definitely a performance that has given the boys a renewed belief in the style of rugby that Chevs is trying to get the school to play.  All tour the boys have been talking about the pace of the opposition and their ability to run the ball from all parts of the pitch.  In these games both squads showed that they understand what is required and are able to carry out their roles.  The task facing them for the remainder of this tour in Hong Kong and into next season is to show they can replicate the intensity and quality of the performances on ourn return to England.

Blue Mountains

After yesterday's disappointing fixtures against Cranbrook, this was another chance for the boys to be tourists for a day.  We arranged a brief tour of some points of interest in and around the Blue Mountains.

First fine of the day went to Steve Winter as he was unable to organise decent weather for the trip.  Consequently we set off in drizzle, which became proper rain as we approached our destination and meant that one of the trip highlights - the view from Echo Point overlooking the Three Sisters - had to be abandoned due to dense fog.

However he was not the only member of staff to receive a fine.  I was tasked with finding a suitable lunch venue with some very clear parameters - a log fire, large portions of food, wide selection of dishes, liquor coffees (for Mrs Le Chevalier).  Unfortunately I failed on all fronts, so we ended up in a pie shop that served no side dishes - chips, vegetables etc. leading us to fill up on cakes.  Personally I think it was one of the meals of the tour!

Chevs joined us in our 'Hall of Shame' during the evening as he took us to a restaurant that served everything we needed, except for beer.  Suffice to say that Steve's day was complete!

Anyway, back to the day.  Our first stop was Featherdale Wildlife Park where we were able - amongst other things - to pet Koalas, feed Kangaroos and scare the living daylights out of Will Brown by taking him through the reptile house.  I particularly enjoyed Will Hiett & Jack Stevens' attempts to communicate with the penguins (watch the video).

We then travelled to the world's steepest railway at Katoomba which takes you down several hundred metres through a natural tunnel in the cliff to the old Katoomba coal mines.  Once there we had several choices of route; those of us that took the 'lazy' route straight to the cable car or the medium-length journey through the miners' village were able to avoid the thnuderstorms and heavy showers.  However those that took the long route and saw everything managed to get caught in the downpours.  You have probably alreayd guessed that Steve was amongst those that were soaked to the skin!

Anyway, you can get a flavour of the Blue Mountains Tour by clicking here.

Match day v Cranbrook

Following the matches against Scots College, particularly the 1st XV game, we were confident of a successful day.  In the 2nd XV game, the boys did not disappoint, giving 100% throughout the game although they came up against a very determined Cranbrook 2nd XV filled with boys playing thier last game for Cranbrook.  The result was completely unreflective of the effort put in by the boys, but it did serve to remind everyone of the importance of making 1st time tackles.  We managed to use the opportunity to try out some new combinations, as well as trying some players in new positions.

Again there were some players who stood out and showed us that they are ready for the challenges of the upcoming season.  Here are a couple of clips from the game

Ollie Sullivan break

The 1st XV game initially held out out high hopes, despite the loss suffered by the 2nd XV.  However depsite some promising periods of play, the boys failed to get their approach right for any significant period of time.  Consequently there aren't too many clips that I can use from the game, other than the one below.  Suffice to say that the boys will need to play with a lot more conviction and consistency on Saturday if they are to present St Augustine's with any sort of challenge.

Line out play

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Brisbane photos

Some of you may have already looked at the photos taken of the game against Brisbane Boys College by an OF - Brian Rogers.  If not, then follow this link to Brian's website.

You should be able to download the photos if there are any you like.  Having looked at the pictures, I am sure you will agree that they are fantastic quality and I would like to give a massive thank you to Brian.

Rest Day

Today was an opportunity for the boys to put rugby to the back of their minds and explore Sydney as a tourist.  As you can imagine, in any Steve Winter operation there are rules, parameters etc. and this was no different.  The boys were given $50 each to last them the day and were expressly forbidden from being in the hotel between 11.00am - 4.00pm.

The boys did not disappoint and speaking to them this evening, they seem to have found worthwhile experiences and events to spend their money on, although there were a couple of disappointments; Hugo Chaplin wanted to Skydive over Sydney harbour, but the weather wasn't right whilst those that wanted to climb the harbour bridge quickly realised they didn't have either the time or money!

Once I had sorted out Dom's hospital appointment to speak to a consultant about his finger, I joined Steve and Barney Savill for the day.  After cooking our own lunch at Philip's Foote restaurant in Circular Quays (definitely a place to visit if you like your steaks!) we headed off to Manly where our stroll along the sea front looking for an ice cream ended at the Ben & Jerry's store.  As most of you know, Steve is normally very quick to make decisions.  However the variety of flavours presented to him along with the different options - cones, pots, sundaes etc. - combined to completely throw him.  Subsequently the guy behind the counter was able to sell him the biggest, most expensive option which Steve had no desire to eat!

The boys were allowed to get an extra $10 if they needed it by meeting us at 6.00pm.  We took it as a good sign that some of them opted to stay out longer and not take the extra money, however most seemed ready to grab dinner and head to bed.  It's good to see a number of them using the gym in their own time, although the swimming pool on the 14th floor overlooking the city along with the sauna is proving to be very popular for the boys to rest and recover.

Tomorrow's game against Cranbrook will give us the opportunity to try out a few different combinations as well as looking at some players in different positions.  It is worth reminding everyone that the next proper 1st XV team selection will be made for the first half of the game in Hong Kong.  Until then we are still very much in the development phase of the tour and indeed the season.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Scots College game

Wow!  All I can say is that the boys tried their hardest.  Scots were extraordinarily well drilled in both games.  Unfortunately we have come away with two losses, but both teams gave a good account of themselves and some boys are starting to show their true worth, both to the tour and the school.  I don't have time to go through all the details of each game, but the final score between our development XV and Scots U16 A/B XV was 7-44 whilst the 1st XV lost 8-54 to a strong Scots College development XV.

1st XV take the field
2nd XV under pressure
Will Hiett no.8 pick up
Charlie Lewis kick-off receipt

There were several players who deserve mentions from both games.  In the development game Martin Du Preez continued in the form that earned him the first week's 'Man of the Tour' award as he constantly battled against the opposition pack and showed why he deserved the captaincy of the development XV.  Ben Warner also deserves mention as he did not take a backward step all day, despite being the youngest player on the pitch.  If he continues with this attitude I can't wait to coach him throughout this year's U16 season.  Similarly Miles Singleton has shown he has the right attitude to be an outstanding player.  As the only person to play throughout both matches today, he deserves special mention, particularly as he only missed one tackle all day.  Tackle of the day though belongs to Rhys Hartley as he completely flattened their no.7 in this tackle (please ignore my comments!)

The Australians are fond of referring to an individual's 'Ticker' which basically translates to their heart or desire for a game.  'Top Ticker' awards today go to Hugo Chaplin, Dom Oxnam, Will Hiett, Will Edwards and Cy Weaver.  These boys did not stop giving 100% in their respective games and deserve public congratulations.  The 'Man of the Match' awards today, as given by bthe Scots College staff, went to Ben Warner and Charlie Kingham, although the players also wanted to acknowledge James Hardy's immense contribution to the team effort as he put in a performance of Herculean proportions.

There have been some lighter moments; the Kinghams arriving after seeming to get lost 'en route' via Bali swelled the number of travelling supporters and provided us with the first of our tour 'Water Boys' in the shape of young Tom Kingham.  He was ably supported by Hugo Brown, despite Hugo's best attempts to cause himself serious damage by falling off his skateboard outside the Scots College changing rooms!  Whilst I am on the subject of the Browns, Will needs to be reminded that a McDonalds 'Happy Meal' does not constitute adequate nutritional preparation for a game!

Monday 15 August 2011

Scot's College preparations

We have had our first proper training session since the game against Cairns Storm and there was a very clear focus on what needs to improve.  Chevs focused on defensive organisation and stressed the importance of making 1st time tackles - we missed 16 against Cairns Storm and that stat alone is not acceptable if we intend to be competitive.

However it was exacerbated by some poor decision making which is where my session came in.  We concentrated on decision making during open play when defences are fragmented.  The emphasis has been placed very firmly on the supporting player - it is their responsibility to be in a position to make the right decision to keep possession and continue the attack.  The boys responded very well - the intensity of the session was high, but concentration levels were maintained from start to finish.

We were fortunate to be able to conduct the training session at Scots College itself after their Director of Rugby made the facilities available to us for the morning.  Whilst there we were given a quick tour and then he let slip that the entire school is expected to watch this afternoon, meaning the boys will be playing in front of around 1000 hostile Australians!  However we are expecting our small band of supporters to be supported by a number of OFs both today and for the game against Cranbrook when there will be an OF function to which Steve, Chevs, Dom Oxnam, Barney Savill and Rory Hartley are also invited.  This means I get the pleasure of looking after the remaining 26 boys on my own for the evening!  Any suggestions for managing them will be gratefully received.

We've Moved

As some of you may have heard, we were not particularly pleased with our accommodation when we arrived in Sydney.  We had been told that the Hyde Park YWCA was a brand new hotel with great facilities that would be perfect for a touring rugby team.  The reality was somewhat different.  This is not the place to go into detail, but suffice to say that we decided that one night was enough.

The next 24 hours were marked by a lot of hard work on the ground in Sydney by Steve Winter, Chevs and myself backed up by Graham Walker who worked through the night back in the UK.  Consequently we are now safely installed in the Mercure hotel in the centre of Sydney and the tour can get back on track with today's game against Scot's College.

I want to take this chance to thank the boys publicly as a whole for their behaviour and demeanour throughout the tour, but in particular whilst we were sorting out the accommodation.  Everywhere we have travelled there have been comments on how smart they look, how polite and how well behaved they are.

Sunday 14 August 2011

Felsted hits Sydney

We've arrived in Sydney on schedule and have immediately noticed the different atmosphere compared to both Brisbane and Cairns.  There is a lot more happening in Sydney and for the first time this tour the boys are experiencing Australian city life.

We have also encountered our first rain, which might just help us by softening the ground a touch before our next training session tomorrow morning.  Scot's College have kindly offered us their facilities to train on ahead of our fixture with them on Tuesday.  Following the disappointment of the loss to Cairns Storm this week, the boys are all keen to make amends and put in a stronger performance.  However we know that Scots College are traditionally one of the strongest school teams in Australia and they have the advantage of having played almost a full season of rugby together.  You can see the extent and quality of Scots College sport here.

This will be the first of three fixtures whilst we are here in Sydney and this promises to be the most demanding leg of the tour in terms of the rugby to be played.  At the same time it is also the chance for some of the players to put down a marker for the upcoming domestic season and stake a claim to a starting position in the 1st XV v Coopers in September.

Saturday 13 August 2011

Videos added

I have added some video links to a couple of the earlier posts - please have a look through.  They are also available on YouTube.  Search for "Felsted School Australia Rughy Tour 2011" or look for videos posted by 'barnybury'.

Barrier Reef

At last - a chance for some proper R&R.  A 90 minute catamaran transfer from Cairns out to the Marine World diving base gave us all a chance to be tourists for the day.

The five hours flew by as the boys indulged in scuba diving, snorkelling and some sun worshipping.  Crystal clear waters and an abundance of marine life meant the boys spent most of their time in the water.  Being able to meet Wally as they prepared to get into the water was fantastic for everyone except Will Brown, who seemed to think that this gentle giant was after him personally!  Being in the water whilst Amy, the onboard Marine Biologist fed the fish and gave a brief lecture about their feeding habits and life was awesome.  However my highlight of the day has to be the 1-hour Adventure Snorkel where we were taken to the outer reef and given a guided tour, which included seeing most of the characters from 'Finding Nemo' as well as watching a reef shark swim underneath us!

I will post some of the photos when I get to Sydney, but for now you can click here Magic Reef Cruises to get an idea of our experience.

Click on this link for an idea of what we got up to on our Barrier Reef Tour

Friday 12 August 2011

Cairns Storm

Yesterday's match against Cairns Storm was billed as the first proper 1st XV game of the tour and as such there was a lot of competition for places in both the starting XV and the bench.  The Cairns Storm is a representative team containing the best school and club players from Cairns and as such would offer a real test for the Felsted boys.

With our trusty travelling band of supporters giving very vocal support, we began the game well, scoring within the first five minutes.  The initial stages of the game suggested that this could be a good win and give the team a chance to hone the game plan put in place by Chevs.  However a combination of poor decision making, slack handling and some poor tackling meant that Cairns Storm were able to come back into the game quickly.  We had been warned that they would play a very free, unstructured game which could very quickly rack up points; some crucial missed tackles gave them two scores before half time and another straight after.  There was a brief hint at a comeback when Will Malins latched onto a loose ball and scored under the posts, but Cairns Storm had the last word with a fourth try, making the final score 12-28.  These are a few clips from the game

Taylor Sexton's break
Charlie Kingham
Rhys Hartley

Understandably the squad reaction was one of disappointment, particularly as this game was one that should have been won easily.  However there were some good points, not least was the opportunity for some players to make ther 1st XV debut - Hugo Chaplin, Will Edwards, Matt Salter, Taylor Sexton, Jack Stevens.  Hugo Chaplin in particular stood out for his 100% commitment from the first whistle to the last and he deservedly took the 'Man of the Match' award after a fine all round performance.

Thursday 11 August 2011

Arrival in Cairns

We've moved camp from Brisbane to Cairns and it's fair to say that the quality of the accommodation at the Mercure has met with approval from the boys.  We have a training session this afternoon to get the boys heads right for tomorrow's game which we have targeted as the fhe first '1st XV' game of the tour.  We only have one player unavailable through injury - Max Prothmann twisted his ankle playing against Brisbane Boys, although there are rumours that his use of crutches is an attempt to garner sympathy from any young ladies.

Kick off tomorrow is at 4.15pm local time and it promises to be a hard game, not least because the temperature is set to be around 25 degrees tomorrow evening!  Having just had our first training run, it is obvious that there is a lot of improvement to come, despite the pleasing first win. The result and pictures will be posted tomorrow evening.

Wednesday 10 August 2011

The first week

My apologies for the delay in updating the blog - as fantastic as the facilities at the Brisbane Sports Super Centre were, their lack of wi-fi meant I struggled to find somewhere to log on.

Anyway the training camp was excellent - after our mammoth 32 hour journey we arrived on the Gold Coast to 24 degree weather and got straight into the training.  3 days of hard work culminated in the first fixtures against Brisbane Boys College - click here to have a look http://www.bbc.qld.edu.au/ - where we came away with a 17-12 win for the 1st team and a 26-0 loss for the 2nd team.  There were a number of strong performances from both teams but Rory Hartley showed outstanding leadership for the 1st games whilst Jack Stevens was superb in the 2nd game.  Special mention should go to Miles 'Muscles' Singleton for the tackle of the day where he resembled more an exocet missile than a rugby player.  This clip is the kick off from the first game which includes a great run from Charlie Lewis.

The tour kicks off
Game Photos

I also need need to say a very public thank you to all that have supported this tour from the outset, but in particular the families that have followed us on tour and the number of OFs and friends of the school that turned out for the game, in particular Brian Rogers who has provided the photos linked above.  To have such a large group supporting us out here was fantastic and was undoubtedly a factor in the boys' performance.

Monday 25 July 2011

Getting set

Right - the tour's less than a fortnight away and you should be seeing the effects of the training you've been doing this summer.  However, for those of you that have taken the idea of a 'Summer Holiday' too literally there is still time enough to make a difference; remember the first session next week will  include a battery of fitness tests.  Here's a couple of links to get you in the mood

Speed Testing
How Sarries do it